Thursday, September 27, 2012

As promised, here's an update on the projects my students have been working on.

Let's start with the two Intro to Ceramics classes: When I started at MHS they were already working on what is called the "Initial Project".  This is really meant to help them get used to the materials and explore what they can do with clay.  They begin by sketching a design to create a template.  It is recommended that they use their initials or a short word for the design.  Unfortunately I don't have any photos at this time because most of the projects are in the kiln or in line to be fired. Ultimately, the idea for this project was to add texture to the letters and explore how to use the variety of tools in the classroom.  They also learned how to slip and score (or scratch and attach as they call it) and use underglazes with glaze.

Next was a 2-in-1 pinch pot project.  They created two pinch pots that were around the same size and connected them to make one egg shape.  From there they needed to make them open somehow and decorate the outside.  Some students kept it simple with their design and actually made eggs others got more creative and made animals or fruit and many other things.  These two classes keep me so busy I have had difficulty finding the time to take photographs.  I do have ONE photo of a project after being bisque fired:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill,
    Thanks for updating us! Maybe when there's a lull, you can upload some of the photographs you showed us. They were truly spectacular.
